Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just show up!

It was one of those days where you just didn't feel like getting up and the thought of running far...well, just wasn't jiving.  Those are rare days for me indeed, but slug city was overwhelming.  I had a 3-day migraine hangover and was recovering the day before from "dilated" eyes set by the eye doc.  No fun!  But, I always remember a quote I read, " can adjust your weekly workout, but NEVER, NEVER, adjust your long runs."  So, out the door I went and... before I finished my first mile, I felt the energy from the road swell within me and I shined.  My mind is sharper and it has shifted to "positive."  I am focused and my motivation is now my friend.  11 miles.  I ran it strong and felt so very good.  It turned out to be one the best runs I had run this year!  The passion I have for running is like nothing else.  I belong here..on the road.  And the road knows it.  It is so very kind to me.  We are such wonderful friends.  It comforts me, hugs me.  It heals me.  I was very proud of myself today.
You may not feel like you have something to offer the world on days like this, but if you just show up, the world may have something to offer YOU!  It seems, I woke up on the right side of the bed after all!