Monday, November 22, 2010

A time to listen.

iLast night as I was working on my site, my phone started to vibrate.   Thinking about it now, it's funny to me how we are so attached to our phones.  But, in this instance, I was so glad I had that little black box of flashing lights with a series of rhythmic sounds sitting right next to me.   I glanced over to read the caller ID.   I lit up, and without a thought, grabbed it.  It was my beautiful friend Christy.  Christy.  Tall, practical, level headed, and  a mother of four boys.  Her recent just six weeks old.  The noise of many voices in the background, "Heeeey," I said.  "Hey, I think I'm ready for a run." "Okay," I said.  Now, I instantly said okay, not only because I had not run with Christy in months and I missed her immensely, but it was the sound of the "I'm ready" in her voice.  It wasn't an "I'm ready" because the doctor said she was.  It was the "I'm ready" because there are four boys, in one van, talking all at once, asking a million questions knowing she could not formalate an answer to the first one while the next question is being asked.  The "I'm ready" because they wanted a friend to come over and then there would be FIVE boys, but then one would be busy, so maybe three boys, two if she was lucky. Whew!  Just tired thinking of it.  So, "Okay," came pretty easily.  I would do anything for a friend.  "Saturday?" A quick, "NO, tomorrow!  5:15 at the corner?"  "Okay, Okay."   She was quickly diverted with another busy mom and hung up.  I had been there many years ago.  Not with four boys at my feet but not having my own mind to myself.   I was excited to see her.
And so anticipating my evening run I went to bootcamp that morning.   Another friend of mine come up to me that morning. Maria.  Busy career minded mom.  Kids out of the house with an adoring husband with a life of luxury and leisure.  She just started bootcamp and had not exercised in a very long time. She had confided in me that she had had too much to drink the night before and wasn't giving her 100 percent.  I said, "Maria, I'm not always on my A game either, in fact, I'm pretty tired today.  Some days I can barely get here.  But I have learned, that if I just move it's better than nothing.  I also know I will have good days that will make up for the bad ones.  Just go at your own pace and keep moving.  You will be great!!"   She really was doing awesome.  Showing up and giving it her best.  I was proud of her and always did my best to tell her so.  After all, I encouraged her to go.  I felt responsible and I really did want her to succeed.  During core, it is always nice to chat with the ladies. Afterall, it's really social hour, right.  That day, it was.  It was nice.
After boot camp, I came home, fixed myself my usual eggs and spinach breakfast and started to blog.  I was so behind.  Now, knowing I was running this evening, I didn't plan on showering.  It would be a just waste of time and clothes.  So, I just started, buzz, buzz, went the phone.  Hmm, "hello."  "Hey Cynthia, this Lucy."  "LUCY!!," I cried out.  Lucy.  Cute, sweet, adorable Lucy.   We had known each other for years but never really knew each other.   She is a great runner.  We are about the same age, height and pace.  Okay, she's a bit faster...dang!!  We would see each other on the roads running.  We would stop for a brief pause, talk, and say we would call.  But somehow never did.  Just days ago, we saw each other again.  Changes in her life, changes in mine and finally we ran together and talked.  A new connection revisited.  And now she was calling again.  "Hey Luc, whatcha doin'?"  "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk/run with me.  I have to take my dogs for a walk.  It wouldn't be far, they can't handle a long one."  SLAP went the laptop.  I was outta' here.  A cool 56 degrees.  All was needed were earmuffs, mittens, and a light jacket.  We met with a hug,  talked of our college kids, recipes, life's frustrations, and our next painting project.  Which has been the same project for me for months.  We ended at her house, I gave her a hug, and ran back home to my favorite song.  It was a wonderful impromptu 3 mile moment.  
Back home and warming up with a cup of tea, I sit back down to start writing again.   Buzz, buzz, buzz...again? I didn't recognize the number.  But anticipating vendors for the new business, I reached for the phone.  "Hello?"  "Hey Cynthia, it's Regina."  It came back to me.  We had had a telephone date to discuss a product and I forgot.  Regina.  I met her in North Carolina last summer during best 5k of my life.  Gorgeous, gorgeous, fitness model, entrepeneur, fitness guru, intelligent, and damn it all, just the nicest and motivating woman you could ever meet.  Sheesh!!  We talked for about two hours.  Blogging is just not in the stars today.  But becoming a rep and distributor to amazing products is.  Glory days.  I was excited.  I was diverted from blogging to new things on the net.  Like I really need to spend more time on the net.  I have a net disease.
Finally, still sweaty and sticky, it's 5 and I bundle up to meet Christy.  The temperature has dropped and it is starting to get dark.  I reach for my baseball cap with the LED lights.  I love that hat.  She must have been really excited to get out of the house, because she was pretty much at my door when I went outside.  I reached out to give her a hug. "I can't stop," she said.  "Okay," I replied.  "I have to go a whole mile without stopping." "Okay, let's go," I encouraged.  Christy is a very good runner.  I use to eat her dust.  But, of course, because of her last pregnancy, she hadn't run in a long while.  I have no doubt she will be back in the game soon.  I will have to get a leg up again.  We ran our neighborhood loop and I listened.  As we passed back by my house, my neighbor, Gladys shouted out, "Cynthia, when you come back, come and take a look at my new kitchen." "Okay."  Okay seems to be the word of the day.   We ran back to Christy's house my lights leading the way like Rudolph.  It was very dark now.   We briefly talked, she was stressed and so I pulled out a little present for her I had in my jacket.  It wasn't much.  I'm not a great gift giver, but I just wanted her to know I cared.  And I do.  I told her that she is an amazing mother.  And she really is.  I gave her a great big hug and squeezed her just bit tighter than usual.  Not only did she have a baby six weeks prior, she found out that her young 6 year old, has diabetes.  It's a lot for any new mom regardless of how many children they have.   I know that Christy will be an amazing role model and educator to us all.  I am anxious to learn all I can.  She really is inspiring.
I again ran back home looking forward to a hot shower.  Oh, but, there was Gladys.  Gladys.  Our loving neighbor who lost her husband just two short years ago.  We peek out from time to time to share our garden stories.  My stories are mostly about weeds.  She is a wise women.  So stinky and sweaty from all the day's sweat I knocked on her door.  She was happy to see me.  She showed me all her new projects and they were beautiful.  I ended up sitting with her for about 40 minutes.  It was nice conversation. 
Finally, I am at home and hubby is starting dinner.  It's been a wonderfully long day.  And now, the most amazing shower anyone could have.  With the fire blazing and glass of wine, we sit for dinner.  It's been a great day.  None of the dishes got done.  That laundry is still sitting there.  Blogging, forget it.  But the time I had with my friends this day, can never be measured.  Did I listen, yes.  Did I help, I don't know.  But I do know, I would do all over again.  Sometimes it's not about the miles we run, or the intensity of our game.  Nor the amount of sweat that makes us feel we made a change in our lives.  But, it's about the time we share with one another.  Making sacrifices for one another.  To support, encourage, and to just listen.  Because when you give, you get so much more in return!
...just thought I'd share.

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